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Check that inline config is only used in block comments. Also check that the inline config is valid JSON.


  • Examples of correct code for this rule using default options

Correct syntax of inline config

class A {
	// This comment will be ignored by this rule because it is not starting with taqwim
	private $b;
	public $c;
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param string $b
	 * @param string $c
	/* taqwim "taqwim/cyclomatic-complexity" : {max: 20} */
	public function __construct($b, $c) {
		$this->b = $b;
		$this->c = $c;
  • Examples of incorrect code for this rule using default options

Code with trailing whitespace

class A {
	// taqwim-disable-nextline
	private $b;
	public $c;
	 * Constructor.
	 * @param string $b
	 * @param string $c

	/* taqwim "taqwim/cyclomatic-complexity:  max: 0} */
	public function __construct($b, $c) {
		$this->b = $b;
		$this->c = $c;

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