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While PHPTaqwim is a zero-configuration tool, it can be configured to fit your needs. Configration can be added using a didicated configuration file or by using inline comments throughout your code.

File configuration

Configuration file can be either a JavaScript file, named taqwim.config.js, that exports an object or a json file, named .taqwim.json, that contains a JSON object. It needs to be placed in the root directory of the project. If both files exist, .taqwim.json will have prcedence.

For the VSCode extension, the configuration file should be placed in the root directory of workspace. And for the CLI, the configuration file should be placed in the current working directory (where you run the command from).

Inline configuration


Only block comments /**/ is supported. Single line comments, using //, is not supported.

Change rules configuration

Inline configuration can be added using comments. The comment should start with taqwim followed by a space and then the configuration.


Configuration should vaid JSON. No need to add opening and closing braces.

For example:

/* taqwim "psr/indent" :{type: "tabs", length: 1 } */

You can add multiple rules in the same comment:

/* taqwim "psr/indent" :{type: "tabs", length: 1 }, "psr/brace-style" :{type: "1tbs"} */

Disable a specific line

To disable taqwim for a specific line, use taqwim-disable-next-line instead of taqwim:

/* taqwim-disable-next-line */

You can disable a specific rule for a specific line:

/* taqwim-disable-next-line psr/indent */

or disable multiple rules by separating them with a comma:

/* taqwim-disable-next-line psr/indent,psr/brace-style */

Disable a specific block

To disable taqwim for a specific block, use taqwim-disable and taqwim-enable:

/* taqwim-disable */
// Code here will not be formatted
/* taqwim-enable */

You can disable a specific rule for a specific block:

/* taqwim-disable psr/indent */
// Code here will not be formatted
/* taqwim-enable psr/indent */

or disable multiple rules by separating them with a comma:

/* taqwim-disable psr/indent,psr/brace-style */
// Code here will not be formatted
/* taqwim-enable psr/indent,psr/brace-style */


If no rules is specified in taqwim-enable, all rules will be enabled.

Released under the MIT License.